Call Jo to discuss training in Reiki at TBIS!
I'm on a mission in 2025! I want to RAISE the vibration and what better way than to attune 100 people to the loving, healing vibe of REIKI!

Reiki Attunements & Training
Reiki, the healing modality from Japan, is a beautiful way to restore others - and yourself. Divided into three levels, Reiki training protects your energy system as you undertake each attunement. Training in Reiki is more than a few classes, essays and client studies. Expect to change your life - for the better!

Level One
Learn the history of Reiki, its origins and about its founding teachers - Masters - who helped it become the global phenomenon it is today. Receive 4 attunements to realign your energy system with Reiki and begin to 'flow it' yourself. Learn how to self heal - vitally important before you move to sharing it with others - as well as simple techniques for offering Reiki to family and friends. You will also cover how to give Reiki to plants, animals, your home and belongings! 1:1 Reiki Mentorship at Level One is £450. Small groups of 3 participants also available on a waiting list basis - £250pp

Level Two
This level brings you to Practitioner standard and you will be able to offer Reiki professionally. At TBIS you will be able to receive your second level attunements six months after the first. Any sooner than this tends to be too much for the system. You will receive two further attunements for your energy system and learn about the sacred Reiki symbols. You will receive teachings on how to utilise each to full effect, as well as how to 'send' Reiki at distance. Reiki Mentorship 1:1 available for £550 or as a couple/pair for £450pp - please enquire.

Level 3
Not to be confused with Master level, Level 3 gives two further attuenments and an extra symbol for amplification of the Reiki you share to others. You will also learn how to meditate with Reiki, how to utilise methods like cord cutting and past life healing using Reiki. These are all beautiful tools in and of themselves and should be undertaken with reverence and respect, rather than from a place of seeking to 'power up'. Reiki Level 3 1:1 mentorship is £650. No small groups at this level.

Reiki Master
This level means you are able to teach others in the art of Reiki, its history, lineage, philosophies, principles and methodologies. As a Master (teacher) you are an ambassador for Reiki and need at least three years practitioner level experience. You may take Level 3 and Master Level together, or separate them 6 months apart as in previous levels. You will receive your final attunements and learn how to attune people at every level, additional methodologies including crystal gridding and Psychic Surgery. I only undertake one Master attunement per year and prefer to teach 1:1 with someone who already knows my working practices and may already have received at least one attunement from me. Please apply in writing to the TBIS email if this level is of interest to you, explaining your Reiki background and experience and why you'd wish to become a Reiki Master. 1:1 at this level is £1500 and takes around ten months.